LGBT Buying Power

Size of Market Size of Market and Buying Power 6.8% of Americans over the age of 18 -roughly 15 to 16 million people self identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. The buying power of this segment for 2010 was projected to be $743 billion. The 2014 figure places the amount at $880 billion. Advertising…


Many of you will wonder what that number represents well that number is how many people actually get to vote for the person in which they wish to be President and so long as one candidate can garner the support of 270 of these electoral votes they have secured the presidency. The Electoral Collage the…

The Aftermath!

  Around a dozen or so lawmakers have filled a motion of impeachment against French President Francois Hollande, alleging the socialist president of disclosing classified information to a group of journalist published in recently released tell all book that has made the presidents chance of reelection very slim. Opposition MP’s have forwarded the motion to…

A new king

On the 13 October, 2016 King Rama IX of Thailand passed away after having reigned for some seven decades the late king was seen as a stabilizing force in a country prone to political turmoil having lived through some 20 different constitutions, and both democratic governments and military juntas.  At 9:30pm the 13th of October…

The Purge has Commenced! 

Nearly 82,000 suspended or sacked within the Turkish government after last months failed coup some 5,000 state employees have been sacked and 77,000 suspended as the president tightens his grip on power.  More then 3, 000 of those sacked were members of the armed forces. The mass suspensions and sackings are suspected to be of…

The Rising Sun

Emperor Akihito of Japan gave for the second time in his reign a televised national address to his subjects urging that he no longer feels capible of fulfilling his duties as Emperor. While the emperor is forced by the pacifist constitution from engaging in any kind of politics this creates a constitutional crisis as Japanese…

Imposing Colonial Rule.

Week’s of brutal negotiations members of the US House of Representatives have drawn up legislation that would act as a road map to help the indebted territory of Puerto Rico coup with it’s staggering $72bn in debt. The legislation HR 4900 would put Puerto Rico’s fiscal affairs under direct federal control and establish a legal…

Americas Corporate Welfare!

Republican’s always state that lowering taxes and deregulation will lead to increased job’s and higher distributions of wealth, what they fail to tell their poor and middle class american’s is that these policies will do very little for you and your family, instead these laws and corporate welfare go to help billion dollar companies, and…

An Impeding Constitutional Crisis?

On February 13, 2016, Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court Antonin Scalia died at the age of 79 while on a hunting trip at his ranch in Texas. The moments that followed were shocking. Within hours of the story breaking, many Republican’s in the US Senate had either warned Obama not to nominate anyone…

Michigan Senate Passes Anti-Sodomy Legislation

On Thursday Feb 4th, 2016 the Michigan Senate passed an anti-sodomy legislation that makes all acts a felony offense punishable by up to 15 years in prison. The legislation was sponsored by Sen Rick Jones, the bill doesn’t specifically target gay people in the state, the legislation outlaws anal sex completely. Sen Jones says the…

Motion of Impeachment.

A motion of Impeachment has been introduced for Brazilian President Dima Rosseff. While a two thirds majority is needed in the lower house to move the vote to Congress, but the president’s popularity has diminished in recent months to as low as 8%. Despite having won reelection last year the president has been damaged by…

My personal view on Islamiphobia in the United States.

Okay I see numerous post all over the internet spewing this venomous rhetoric about Muslims as you assume that they are all terrorist and or support a terrorist group. But not once have I seen you post anything criticizing the white terrorist who have killed more people alone in the last year and a half…